About us

Welcome to Leopolis Capital, a dedicated venture fund specializing in nurturing the growth and potential of Ukrainian startups and connecting them with global investors.

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Years of experience

Our vision

Catalyzing Global Success for Ukrainian Startups

Leopolis Capital
envisions a world where Ukrainian startups are at the forefront of global innovation. Our goal is to be the leading venture capital catalyst, propelling these startups into international markets. We are committed to fostering a vibrant ecosystem where Ukrainian tech talent flourishes and attracts worldwide investment. Through our support, we aim to transform Ukraine's brightest ideas into global success stories.
Join us in shaping a future where Ukrainian innovation leads the world.

Our mission

Empowering Startups, Building Partnerships

Our mission is twofold:

Empowering Ukrainian Startups: We are committed to identifying and nurturing the most promising Ukrainian startups. Our goal is to equip them with the capital, strategic guidance, and network they need to succeed on a global scale. We believe in the transformative power of Ukrainian creativity and innovation, and we dedicate ourselves to unlocking their full potential.

Building Strategic Partnerships: We strive to create a synergistic environment where startups and investors can collaborate effectively. Our mission extends beyond funding - we aim to build a community of investors, mentors, and industry experts who share our passion for innovation and are eager to contribute to the growth of Ukrainian startups. By fostering these strategic partnerships, we create a supportive ecosystem that accelerates growth and facilitates success.

  1. Supporting Ukrainian Startups: Providing capital, guidance, and networking to help Ukrainian startups succeed globally.
  2. Holistic Approach: Offering more than just funding, including strategic advice and a strong support network.
  3. Strategic Partnerships: Facilitating collaboration between startups, investors, mentors, and industry experts.
  4. Supportive Ecosystem: Building a community that accelerates growth and success for startups through shared innovation and collaboration.

Our story behind our firm


Origins – Identifying a Gap:
Our journey began with a simple observation: Ukrainian startups, brimming with potential, were often overlooked in the global market. Recognizing the untapped talent and innovative spirit within Ukraine, Leopolis Capital was established to bridge this gap. We saw an opportunity to not only support these startups but to also introduce them to a world of possibilities.


Growth – Building a Platform for Success: As we grew, so did our network and expertise. We developed a robust platform that not only provided funding but also mentorship, strategic advice, and access to a global network. Our focus has been on creating a nurturing environment where Ukrainian startups could thrive and scale, turning visionary ideas into viable, successful businesses.


Vision for the Future – Leading with Innovation: Today, Leopolis Capital  stands as a testament to the power of belief in potential. Our vision for the future is centered around positioning Ukrainian startups at the forefront of global innovation. We continue to expand our reach, connecting these startups with international investors and markets, and firmly establishing Ukraine as a powerhouse of technological and entrepreneurial ingenuity.

Our mantra



Embracing bold ideas and pioneering solutions



Upholding transparency and integrity in every decision



Dedicated to the long-term success of every startup



Collaborating to turn collective visions into reality.



Efficiently translating innovative ideas into successful ventures



Leading by example in the venture capital ecosystem

Our partners

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